Great Birthday Presents, Red Letter Days / Experience Days

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1. 20 Minute Tiger Moth or Vintage Biplane Flight | Red Letter Days Popular
Recreate the pure pleasure of vintage aviation with a vintage flying experience. After a short pre-flight briefing, don a Biggles-style flying jacket before climbing into the cockpit of a vintage De Havilland Tiger Moth or 1930s Stampe SV4. The Tiger Moth is the quintessential English biplane, with the Stampe being the Belgian equivalent. Feel the rush of the wind from the open cockpit and enjoy spectacular views as the pilot puts the plane through a series of exciting manoeuvres (subject to weather conditions and at the pilot's discretion). During the flight, take over controls and discover the sensation of flying first-hand. Back on terra firma, some venues even include a flight certificate to take home.

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